• EPM7064A解密
  • EPM7064A解密


      EPM7064A是CPLD的家庭中的一员,具有ALTERA CPLD高密度的可编程逻辑解决方案提供无与伦比的系统性能。CPLD的家庭是旨在提供灵活性、易用性和性能的22个V10 CPLD高密度。该架构是基于一系列的逻辑块,是连接由一个可编程互连矩阵(PIM)。针对EPM7064A解密及系列赛普拉斯解密,北京致芯科技目前可以为广大客户提供较为成熟的解密技术。有EPM7064A解密需求的请直接与我们致芯科技取得联系。

    EPM7064A Features:
    ·In-System Reprogrammable? (ISR?) ALTERA CPLDs
     -JTAG interface for reconfigurability
     -Design changes do not cause pinout changes
     -Design changes do not cause timing changes
    ·High density
     -32 to 512 macrocells
     -32 to 264 I/O pins
     -Five dedicated inputs including four clock pins
    ·Simple timing model
     -No fanout delays
     -No expander delays
     -No dedicated vs. I/O pin delays
     -No additional delay through PIM
     -No penalty for using full 16 product terms
     -No delay for steering or sharing product terms
    ·3.3V and 5V versions
    ·PCI-c o mpatible[1]
    ·Programmable bus-hold capabilities on all I/Os
    ·Intelligent product term allocator provides:
     -0 to 16 product terms to any macrocell
     -Product term steering on an individual basis
     -Product term sharing among local macrocells
    ·Flexible clocking
     -Four synchronous clocks per device
     -Product term clocking
     -Clock polarity control per logic block
    ·Consistent package/pinout offering across all densities
     -Simplifies design migration
     -Same pinout for 3.3V and 5.0V devices


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