EPM7160E Features:
·10/8/6/4 Capacitive Button Input
-Robust sensing algorithm
-High sensitivity, low noise
-Immunity to RF and AC noise
-Low radiated EMC noise
-Supports wide range of input capacitance, sensor shapes, and sizes
·Target Applications
-Cellular handsets
-LCD monitors
-Portable DVD players
·Low Operating Current
-Active current: continuous sensor scan: 1.5 mA
-Deep sleep current: 4 uA
·Industry's Best Configurability
-Custom sensor tuning, one optional capacitor
-Output supports strong drive for LED
-Output state can be controlled through I
以上是有关EPM7160E芯片简单性能特征的概述,供广大客户学者借鉴参考。在单片机解密过程中,对单片机本身性能特征及其加密特性与内部结构有一定 的了解,能够更好的理解单片机加解密原理,选择更合适的解密方案。想要了解更多EPM7160E芯片解密及系列CPLD解密详细信息请关注我们的网站http://cpld.mcu100.com